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Sunday 18 May 2014

MA (Cantab)

Cambridge University has a traditional quirk whereby graduates are automatically awarded a Masters degree 6 years after matriculating. However, those of you who have slogged your way through your Masters and are incensed at the thought of us being given one for free, don't worry. No one actual recognises it as meaning anything more than ceremonial.

What it does mean is a perfect excuse to get everyone together, dressed up to the nines, to enjoy the pomp and ceremony for one last time that Cambridge is famous for.

Proceedings began at my old college, St John's, with formal hall on Friday night.

And yes, it does look exactly like Hogwarts. I really wish I'd appreciated it more when I was a student here. It all felt so ridiculously normal at the time, but I'm now old enough to fully appreciate how lucky we all were.

Caz (my partner in crime) and I posed for some obligatory photos before dinner in our gowns.

Feeling very exhausted and more than a little worse for wear, it was up early the next day for the graduation ceremony at the Senate House.

The dress code is horrendously strict. More than one guy was caught out for wearing brown shoes instead of black (this lead to a manic rush to the closest shoe shop to rectify the situation). I was absolutely boiling on the hottest day of the year so far in full attire complete with black tights (ladies, take note, bare legs are not allowed).

I took lots more pictures of St John's but I'm saving them for a little post all of their own...

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