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Sunday 11 May 2014

Little Venice Canalway Cavalcade

Little Venice is a section of canal in West London where the Grand Union and Regent's Canals meet, and home to a number of restaurants and pubs. On Bank Holiday Monday, however, Little Venice was home to far more than that.

Hundreds of narrow boats descended for the Canalway Cavalcade.

A cavalcade is definitely a new word to me. From my personal experience last Monday, if I had to take a guess, I would describe a cavalcade as a kind of festival. Google reliably informs me that it is in fact a procession. Well, as far as I could see there was no procession as such, the boats are far too long for that, but Canalway Cavalcade certainly has a lovely alliterative ring to it.

Last Monday was a beautiful day and it really was quite something to see so many narrow boats in the middle of London. M and I walked along the canal for part of the way before we came across the main pool.

Over two hundred boats made an appearance at the festival and there were awards for the best decorated. My particular favourite was home to two cornish terriers complete with tartan caps. Literally amazing.

There was also a statuesque Irish Wolf Hound. I really love these dogs; they're such gentle giants.

If you fancy a visit, Little Venice Canal Cavalcade is every May Bank Holiday, but boats can be found there all year round.

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