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Thursday, 9 May 2013

Food: What I Ate Today - 8th May

Since I returned from Egypt, I've been back on the healthy diet bandwagon. I just thought I'd share with you the things I've been rustling up.

Firstly, lunch was my current favourite, quinoa. I really enjoyed roasting off some butternut squash a couple of weeks earlier and incorporating that into a quinoa salad, but it was time consuming and yesterday I wanted food, fast! Instead, I microwaved a couple of sweet potates for 10 minutes and scooped out the flesh. I added some cooked frozen peas, freshly chopped mint and a can of black eyed peas, and voila! a super easy, tasty and healthy lunch. I made loads too - Martin's been instructed to take it to work everyday!

quinoa salad with sweet potato, peas, mint and black eyed peas

Then I made some more old favourites, granola bars. However, since I haven't had the opportunity to go food shopping yet, the fruit options were pretty limited: figs and raisins. Plus I didn't have any butter so I had to make do with margarine. They still did the job though!

granola bars - before being cut into bars

Finally, I was flicking back through some old recipes on my blog and I stumbled across my Vietnamese Noodle Soup. This made a great post yoga dinner. It's very light and fresh. Feel free to jazz it up with coconut milk, chicken pieces, fresh ginger, chilli and coriander - they all taste great. Last night, I kept it simple and stuck to the recipe.

What sorts of meals do you whip up when you're in a rush? I'm making spaghetti bolognese tonight - an old favourite and really quick too!

PS Before I go, I couldn't resist sharing photos of my new Samsung Galaxy S4. I've been hanging onto my old phone for ages, but it's truly battered and its home button no longer works (unless I hammer it!). I can't explain how much I love my S4, although it's probably far too technical and sophisticated for the likes of me and I've only scratched the surface in terms of what it can do.

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