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Hi, I'm Hazel, and I really love eating. I'm a qualified science teacher, but my real passion in life is food. I'm writing this blog to share with you my favourite places to eat out, recipes and techniques I've picked up along the way. The more I read other blogs, the more I realise how much you can learn. Initially I was going to restrict this blog to just food related articles, but now I think I'm going to share with you everything and anything. 

I love making the most out of my money. By that, I don't mean hunting on sales racks in shops (I'm dreadful at that as I'm very impatient). It's more that I like hunting for offers and reading huge numbers of reviews so that when I do decide to splash out, I know I'm getting the best experience for my money. This can mean anything from restaurants to beauty products. I recently read a review on Garnier's BB cream and it was so positive that I rushed out to buy it. Needless to say, I'm very pleased with my purchase! 

As someone who loves eating (full stop). It's hard to have self control. I try to counter balance this with cooking healthy meals and exercising when I can. It's just all the grazing and snacking that needs to stop! I love playing football and, having recently joined a gym, I'm loving trying out the different classes. Zumba definitely isn't for me; it requires far too much coordination, but yoga has suddenly become a major passion in my life. I think I've only just got to the age where I can appreciate it. I'm quite a bouncy, frantic person and I really enjoy the hour of relaxation it offers me. 

Please get in touch, I would love to hear from you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hazel,

    I hope you are well. I am writing to you from - one of the leading providers of experience days.

    We are looking for influential bloggers to review some of our product and write about them on their sites. I thought yours looked great - and we have a couple of food related experiences in need of review. If you are interested in learning more - drop me and email and we can go from there.
